
after hours trading

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after hours trading为短语/超纲词汇
1. Edna was unconscious for two hours after the accident.

2. Each evening Humboldt and Bonpland made up their journals, writing sometimes for two hours by the light of the fires.

3. Boys and girls were always there waiting for their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, fooling about.

4. C.You call your doctor and ask for pills to keep you calm through the next few hours.

5. We work eight hours in a day.

6. We spent many idle hours just sitting in the sun.

7. We had to queue for hours to get in .

8. Working hours are limited by statute.

9. We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream.

10. We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream.
